Wednesday 19 May 2010

I'll happily give to charity, but not when you tell me to

I’M not one for having a go at charities but sometimes they really do take the biscuit.

Not the charity itself, you understand, but some of the collectors who represent them. They are obviously extremely decent people who are trying to do their bit for whatever cause they represent and should be applauded accordingly.

What gets my goat is the way some collectors thrust their tin can or bucket in front of your nose, wave it around annoyingly and expect you to part with some dosh. When you don't, some caustic comment is passed like " least we got a smile" or "...well have a nice day anyway."

Fact is, mate, a) I don't like people waving things in front of my nose when I'm going about my daily business. b) I can't stand snidy little comments being made just because someone thrusting a bucket up my nose hasn't got a couple of bob off me. For one thing, I may well have given to that particular charity at another time or I may not even want to give to that charity - my choice. And I shouldn't be condemned for it.

Similarly, when collections are made in the workplace, be it for this Day, that Day or some other Day, just because I don't give, doesn't mean to say I am a miserly, miserable so and so who couldn't care less about breast cancer, earthquake victims or kids in India with cleft palates!

Fact is I do care. I care very much. But I just don't see why I should be made to go on a guilt trip because somebody wants to hold a collection and I don't want to take part. It's a form of emotional blackmail and for all they know, I give to the charities but in my own way, in my own time and of my own volition.

Breast cancer is a perfect example. I don't wear something pink when someone at work takes it upon themselves to make it Wear it Pink Day. I quietly refuse. 'Miserable git,' I sense them saying. But, fact is, I'm not a miserable git. Unknown to them, I happen to give every year to breast cancer because I know someone close who had it. And besides, I'm a blokey bloke - I don't do pink!

The point is I give in my own way and in my own time, not the way others tell me.

Yes, we do need collections but for those people who turn the other cheek when the can rattles in our faces or a bucket is waved under our noses, give us a break. We do care - in our own way.

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