Wednesday 26 May 2010

Extra charges are tipping us over the edge

THERE seems to be an ever increasing conspiracy afoot by some businesses, to extract more money from the long suffering public for doing very little to justify it.

I refer of course, to the ever increasing number of extra charges we are expected to accept. Some examples are - Registration Fees - Enrolment Fees - Booking Fees - Charge for using a credit card - Call out Charges - and the unpalatable practice of adding 15% or 20% ‘service charge’ to the bill at some restaurants, (regardless of the quality of service) and I am sure you can think of others.

As far as call out charges are concerned, if a tradesman (I can think of a plumber, locksmith or an alarm engineer) is called out at the night, then a charge would certainly be appropriate. But to impose a call out charge during normal working hours is just taking the mick.

We often see advertisements in the local paper from tradesmen or computer ‘fixers’ that end with ‘no call out charge’. This is announced as if an exceptional service or discount is being offered. So many services are conducted in our own homes and yet some people feel an extra charge should be added to a job that can only be done in the home.

I believe that an individual or organisation should be glad of our business, and in the present climate, falling over themselves to improve and compete, without these additional charges.

Tips are another thing I am less than happy about. Why are we expected to tip for a service for which we have already paid? If we are driven from point A to point B by taxi or hire car then we are charged the going rate. Of course if the driver helps with shopping or suitcases, then a tip is discretionary and may be deserved.

The person who brings (sometimes overpriced) food to the table in a restaurant often expects to be tipped.

The person who attends to my hair will expect some sort of gratuity for personal attention, and this may be right. Although I may have already paid top dollar for this.

Then there’s banks... don’t get me started.

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