Wednesday 24 March 2010

Dog muck - it's a foul affair

Dog muck - I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.

It's on our streets, on our pavements, on our grass verges, on our playing fields... it's everywhere and nobody is doing anything about it.

Yet we are supposed to have laws and bylaws threatening irresponsible dog owners with fines and naming and shaming if they are caught in the act, so to speak.

What a laugh!

My advice is don't issue ultimatums unless you are prepared to carry them out. Because at present these 'threats' are worthless. You only have to look around your feet when out walking to see that.

It's not the dogs that are disgusting, it's the owners. How can they just let their dogs foul in public and not clean up after them. These filthy dog owners give responsible dog owners a bad name and it seems to be the owners of smaller dogs who are most to blame.

Is it because they think just a little whoopsies can be left lying around and no-one will mind or are they just thick, ignorant people who really couldn't care less about messing up the environment.

Why do they not clean up after them? It's so easy to buy a box of 100 poop bags (for £1!) and do the right thing - scoop it up. To those guilty scoundrels, just think how much better you'll feel that you've not left a mess behind for people to step all over. Or are you just not bothered.

The other guilty parties in this mess are surely local councils and the councillors who talk tough on the issue and do nothing. Fed-up residents ring to complain but what happens? Nothing. Do you ever see anyone walking around neighbourhoods to catch the offenders? No. All we
ever see is the odd little notice tied to a lamppost with a bit of string.

So when the clowns who are supposed to represent us come calling for your vote ask them why do they allow this situation to go on.

But, remember, it's not the dogs who do it that are disgusting - it's the people who let them.

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