Wednesday 23 June 2010

Smile, life isn't so bad after all

TRAFFIC jams, unavoidable tax rises, wasps and the media’s ongoing infatuation with Cheryl Cole. All of them pale into insignificance with the subject of this week’s rant: rants themselves.

The problem is, people are always ready to give something a kicking when the opportunity comes up; it’s one of our quaint British traditions, like trains that don’t run on time or mediocre songs from reality TV shows clogging up the Christmas charts. But there’s still plenty of reason to turn those frowns upside down!

For starters, we seem to be starting the nicest summer since the mid-90s, with genuinely hot weather to bask in. It’s not that summers were better when you were a child, it’s just that you spend the really sunny days indoors, at a desk. We should all start a Champion-backed campaign to be allowed to work al fresco.

We’ve got plenty of glorious open spaces to enjoy it too, which is another reason to be cheerful. Even if you don’t like the wave of tourists who seem to wash up on the beaches there’s plenty of places which remind us just how great it is to live in these parts of the world; if you’ve ever stood atop Parbold Hill in West Lancashire on a still summer’s evening, you’ll know what I mean.

I love waking up to the sound of lawnmowers gently whirring across back gardens and the smell of barbecues being held just because their optimistic hosts can, and after what feels like an eternity of rain and dark nights it’s something we should all go out and enjoy. Even the doctors say it; a little sunshine is actually good for us.

And another thing - the World Cup has arrived. I know some people absolutely hate football but it’s good to see everybody joining forces behind something - anything - in the friendly fervour of their local pub, and having a laugh about it afterwards. But don’t get me started on the sunny prospect of England actually winning for a change.

I don’t deny the ranters and the moaners have often got genuinely annoying items to get angry about, but can’t we take a break and just enjoy ourselves for once? As Noel Gallagher once said - step outside, summertime’s in bloom. Don’t look back in anger when it’s gone.

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